Friday, April 17, 2009

X11 forwarding using SSH

First of all open MAC terminal and try:
MAC#ssh -X -l login-name hostname/ip-add

This command will enable X login in the remote system. If you are logged in the remote system, you can run graphical tool in the remote system. For example, say we logged in the RHEL system,

RHEL#system-config-network-gui will run the graphical network config tool over the network.

RHEL#xclock will run the graphical clock of the system remotely.

(for more info: do #man ssh )


  1. rdesktop is a way better application for linux!!! Come on man!! You gotta know!!

  2. Thanks for comment Ryan....

    rdesktop is a client that enables you to remote desktop in windows machine, however it doesn't allow you to remote desktop in Linux Machine. To do remote desktop in Linux Machine you got to have X11 forwarding which is infact secure and efficient..

    I appreciate your comment though.
